Even when we maintain the strictest hygiene, there are about 2,300 types of bacteria that thrive and survive only in the navel area, with many
Category: Health

Doctors recommend sleeping with a pillow between your legs for a variety of reasons. Read the descriptions to see how they work, what logic they

If you’re curious about your body’s condition and how much strain your heart can handle, and you don’t have any serious health issues, there’s a

Bruising is the result of tissue injury, which causes skin pigmentation and happens when blood vessels are damaged, causing bleeding under the skin. The bruise

Ground red pepper is a common ingredient in our diet. We all think it is just plain spice, but it turned out to be incredibly

Asthma is a condition affecting the respiratory system, which are extremely responsive and strongly responds to anything that the body identifies as allergic. The airways

Russian doctors also recommend it for issues with insomnia, irritability, headaches, asthma, high blood pressure and muscle relaxation. Valerian also recently showed excellent results in

Back pain doesn’t necessarily have to be caused by a injury or disease. Even the healthiest people in their daily lives can feel the challenge

Our bodies are affected by the high summer heat. Swollen legs, especially the feet and lower legs, are one of the side effects of hot

People who suffer from sleep paralysis are unable to move their bodies while falling asleep or waking up. People who are affected by this phenomena