As you know, we eat too much unhealthy food (with tons of salt and hidden sugar).Eating unheathy food will increase risk of high blood pressure,
Category: Health

If we eat too much sugar in foods, that will cause rapid growth, followed by the rapid drop in blood glucose. The sharp decline encourage even greater

Adrenal exhaustion affects about 80% of the world’s population. It occurs as a result of persistent stress and the body’s attempt to manage physical, mental,

Hemorrhoids are a part of the anal canal’s vascular system, which has the primary role of controlling bowel motions. The anal pads become dysfunctional and

Esotericists, palmists, and others involved in magic think that the lines on the hand can reveal a lot of information about the future as well

Are you tired of this? I am pretty sure this is an analogy that everyone makes. This however can be very easy to prevent without

In the countries which have a long history of cultivating olives, and hence consuming olive oil in the daily diet is something natural, studies have

The next time you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, you should not only be delighted by the smell or the taste, but

The brain is the most complicated organ from the human body, thus it should not be neglected. An unhealthy lifestyle will doubtlessly have a bad

The temperature of the heated rooms in which we live, as well as the degree of humidity in them, fluctuates dramatically as the outside temperature