Preliminary evidence suggests sage will relieve some of the Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. Make sage tea if you have trouble with your stomach, or if you
Tag: health

Basil is a plant native to India that grows to 20-60 cm tall. There are approximately 150 basil species worldwide. It is found in many

Research has shown that regular consumption of melon can make your skin more beautiful and healthier. It hydrates and nourishes the skin The melon contains

Alternative medicine offers a completely natural remedy Reduction and removal of fats from the blood is often a painstaking process. Drugs for regulating triglycerides generally

Instead of reaching out for pills, there is a natural remedy that can help you The toothache is a standout amongst the most disagreeable torments

Stress, unpredictable eating regimen, and lack of sleep are a portion of the fundamental driver of constant stomach related disarranges. A standout amongst the most

Nuts are of high quality and represent an excellent choice for nibbling instead of the usual industrial processing and it is good to consume it

Urinary tract inflammation is a surprisingly common problem for women. In addition to unpleasant feelings and tingling when urinating, this problem, if not cured, can

Tea is prepared very quickly and easily accessible ingredients, and you need to drink one cup a day before lunch. When the body is struggling

Herpes are small, nasty envelopes that emerge from dirt or stress, and can be seen for days. Also, acne is a common problem that nobody