
Don’t Ignore: Unusual Symptoms Of Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in, and your body does not have enough water and other fluids to function normally.

When a person becomes dehydrated, they lose electrolytes such as salt and potassium, which are required for basic body processes.

It is critical to monitor how much liquids you consume, especially if you are sweating intensely or vomiting due to heat exhaustion caused by a medical condition.

Thirst is the most evident symptom of dehydration, although some other symptoms are less obvious. According to a 2020 study published in The Journal of Physiology, the body gradually loses its ability to recognise indicators of dehydration. Here are some dehydration indicators you should never overlook.

Bad breath

Saliva has antimicrobial characteristics, and dehydration can inhibit saliva production. As a result, the amount of bacteria in the mouth might grow, leading to bad breath. This is one of the reasons we experience foul breath when we wake up in the morning.

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During sleep, saliva production slows, which causes an unpleasant taste and odour in the mouth because the amount of bacteria present rises. Drink water the next time your mouth is dry and you have terrible breath.

Dry skin

Dry skin obviously demonstrates a lack of hydration. Dehydration can cause the skin to dry out and itch. A poor diet and bad daily habits such as drinking alcohol and using caffeine can decrease skin hydration.

Muscle spasms

Because of the way heat affects the muscles, the more the body heats up, whether due to temperature or exercise, the more likely it is that muscular cramps will occur. Muscle cramps can also be caused by changes in electrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

Plain water may not be sufficient to relieve muscle cramps. Muscle cramps were less likely to occur in a 2019 study published in BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine when participants rehydrated after exercise with an electrolyte-containing drink.

Participants who drank simply plain water, on the other hand, were more likely to feel muscle cramps.

Desire for good

In the case of dehydration, due to a lack of water, other organs such as the liver will find it more difficult to release glycogen and other components, which might lead to sweet cravings. If you believe your sugar cravings are caused by dehydration, drink water before eating something sweet.

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