Half a handful of walnuts daily reduces the risk of premature death, according to a recent Dutch study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
Category: HealthyFood

Happy night, mixed drinks, a mix of a few types of alcohol . The next day fatigue, nausea, headache, sensitivity to light, dehydration or dizziness

Instead of various snacks that we consume on a daily basis and which contain large amounts of sugar and additives, we need to consume dried

Consume as much as possible. These seeds are a decent wellspring of protein and will enable you to remain here. The seeds of this plant

Forget the chemicals to boost immunity, so prepare the syrup from natural ingredients and medicinal ginger … Ginger has for quite some time been known

Instead of getting the first signs of pain on pills, you should go after the turmeric, an Indian spice from the ginger family. For him

Begin the day with a quality and tasty meal, which you can get ready in only a couple of minutes … Ingredients: ½ cup oat

Foods with Melatonin “Melatonin-rich foods can expand development hormone creation by a staggering 157 percent. Put a few raspberries in your oat flakes and encourage

It has long been known among people that as prevention of heart disease, and even those with heart problems, it is recommended to consume almonds,

Ketogenic diet implies an eating routine that depends just on protein and fat and which definitely lessens the admission of carbohydrates. Numerous studies have shown