your diet

Recipes For Confusion Suitable For Healthy Diets

When we respect a dietetic plan, it is important that the menu does not lack nutrients that keep us energetic, healthy, and in a good mood.

Breakfast is the most significant dinner of the day. That is the reason you can begin your morning with a glass of nutritious confusion, which will furnish you with satiety, which is pleasant to taste and helps burn excess fat.

Note the following few recipes and make a part of your diet.

Disturbance to improve metabolism

Start the day with a drink rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals that help burn excess fat and accelerate metabolic processes.

In a kitchen blender, put 2 cups of natural yogurt, 10 raw almonds, half teaspoon cinnamon, 10-15 terns and spoon of honey. This nutritious disorder will not raise the blood sugar level and give you an energetic start of the day.

Disturb with chocolate and strawberries

During a diet, chopped chocolate is not forbidden, but it is good to respect the quantity as well as the type. We recommend that you eat black chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content. You can use it in the next recipe for chocolate troubles.

You need a glass of milk, perhaps almond or rice, 30-40 g of natural chocolate, 10 fresh strawberries, 7-8 covering almonds. The beverage has a crisp taste, and the chocolate in it will assist you with maintaining positive state of mind for the duration of the day.

Confusion with apples and flaxseed

Adding flax to the diet will also help speed up and more efficiently burn excess fat.

Start the day with a cup of meat prepared with 2 glasses of fresh milk or yogurt, and you can also combine the two milk, 10 raw almonds, 1 large apple, 1 teaspoon flaxseed. The beverage has a wonderful flavor, and the flaxseed will help you feel sieved throughout the morning.

Confuse with banana and peanut butter

An interesting combination that will provide you with about 360 calories for breakfast. Mix ½ cup low calorie fresh milk ½ cup low-fat yogurt, 2 tablespoons butter (bio) butter, banana, 1 teaspoon of honey, a few ice cubes.

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