When it comes to caring for a baby’s navel, many clinicians no longer recommend cleaning it with alcohol since it can delay recovery. The navel, however, must be cleaned. Here are some expert recommendations…
First and foremost, before touching your baby’s navel, wash your hands. At least once a day, it should be cleaned (and maybe more often). Use an ear stick that has been soaked in pre-boiled water that has been cooled. Dry the area with a new, dry stick. Do not use cotton wool.
It’s not a good idea to cover your navel. Glue the diapers so that they do not touch the navel. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no signs of infection.
What should not be done?
As the doctors emphasize, it is especially important that you never try to tear the knot. It should fall naturally and by itself.
Applying oil, lotions, or powders on or around the navel is not recommended.
The knot usually appears between the first and third weeks, but it can take some time to untangle, which is typical. Minor bleeding is possible, but if it is minor, it is normal.
If the umbilicus is particularly red, indicating inflammation; if there is swelling; if the navel bleeds and does not stop; if an unpleasant odor appears; if the baby complains of pain in this area; and if the child has a fever, seek medical attention.