
Top Ten Ways to Avoid Allergies

  1. Change your exercise schedule

If you are one of those early birds who likes to exercise outdoors, keep in mind that in general, pollen peak time is in the morning between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. Who wants to be up that early anyway? Sleep in a few hours and you may be doing yourself a favor.

  1. Practice good hygiene

You would think this is a given, but just in case…if you have been outside for a while, make sure you take a shower and wash your hair and face as soon as you come inside. Also, change and wash your clothes that you wore while you were out, as pollens stick easily to clothes and body surfaces and can irritate you after the fact.

  1. Cover that cleavage!

To protect yourself from allergic reactions caused by bug and insect bites, wear long sleeves, a not-so-revealing top (sorry guys!), pants or jeans, and shoes with socks. Also, be cautious about using perfumes as those attract bugs as well.

  1. When the cats away, allergies won’t play

Animal lovers will have a hard time with this one, but pets like to play outside and may carry tons of allergens in your house. Allergy sufferers are recommended to keep pet off from beds and linens. Really to be safe, pets should not be allowed in the bedroom at all to best reduce exposure to allergies. Brush pets outside to remove loose hair and dander, and wash them at least once a week to reduce the spread of allergens.

  1. Check humidity

Clean humid areas of home such as the bathroom and basement regularly.  It is recommended to keep indoor humidity level lower than 50% – you can use a dehumidifier to reduce humidity and measure humidity levels through a hygrometer. Excessive moisture provides favorable environment to grow molds that can produce allergens, irritants, and potentially some toxic substances.

  1. Keep your doors and windows closed

Nobody likes to be cooped up all day long, but if you find you are indoors, you should try keeping your windows closed to reduce pollen exposure. And as for road trips? Keeping doors and windows closed in vehicles can help prevent pollens and outdoor molds from entering, which can even worsen the allergies by 200%.

  1. Go to the beach

Avoid areas that are known for having loads of pollen grains. Choose low pollen areas like the beach or ocean in the spring. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

  1. Dust-free floors

Allergy experts recommend using throw rugs instead of carpet, so it can be cleaned easily. If it is not possible to remove carpets, then try professional deep cleaning. Hardwood flooring is another great option, which is much easier to clean than carpet while keeping allergens to a minimum – and always look great in new homes!

  1. Cleaning agents

Avoid using cleaning agents and sprays (e.g., bleach) that can irritate the airways with allergies and asthma. Besides, wearing white is so last season.

  1. Improve air quality

Clean air filters frequently as possible! Heating and AC systems can filter out a lot of allergens if you change the filter on regular basis, preferably each month. Also, it is recommended to clean your air ducts once a year. You can also choose to use an air purifier with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air filter) technology that filters the air to remove dust that’s freely floating in the air.

Find out more about: Nasal Congestion: Natural Remedies

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