
Which Sports Can Prolong The Life Span And How Much?

The next time you go to training, take a friend with you, because the studies have shown that exercises in pairs are much healthier than when you are alone. The reason for this is social interaction.

In the main conclusion of the research, published in the journal Mayo Clinic, scientists found that they established a relationship between social sports

As a feature of an investigation in Copenhagen in regards to heart health, researchers have analyzed more than 8,500 individuals who have never had heart issues, heart assaults, or malignancy.

The members filled in a survey with inquiries regarding health and way of life, which included data about their style of activity and how frequently they rehearse it. Then, they were monitored for the next 25 years, and in that period 4,500 people died from the interviewees.

In the main conclusion of the research, published in the journal Mayo Clinic, scientists found that they established a relationship between social sports and longer life expectancy. In comparison with people who are constantly sitting, those who play tennis on average live 9.7 years longer.

In second place is a badminton that prolongs life for 6.2 years, so football in 4.7 years, riding a bicycle for 3.7 years, swimming for 4.5 years and running that prolongs life expectancy for 3.2 years .

The research concludes two things: People are more likely to practice with a partner and thus are more likely to continue to engage in bodily activity in the long run.

“When we decide to exercise and accelerate the heart rate, we feel good, but not relaxed and happy as after playing a basketball or golf game,” explains cardiologist James O’Keefe, who is also the lead author of the research. “Any activity is better than nothing. But when physical activity permits a game, then we have more advantages. From those for the muscles and the cardiovascular system, to the emotional connection with the partner with whom we play these games, “added O’Keef.

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