carambola fruit

Do You Recognize This Fruit? It Lowers Cholesterol, Fights Hypertension and Controls Diabetes

The carambola fruit, sometimes known as “star fruit” because of its shape, is native to the Malayan peninsula and is also grown in the southern United States, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

When ripe, this fruit is yellow in colour and tastes like a combination of sweet and sour grapes, pear, and citrus fruits. This mix distinguishes it and makes it popular among people.

Despite its distinct flavour, the carambola fruit has numerous health advantages. It has only 31 calories per 100g and is high in antioxidants, vitamins C and B, riboflavin, folate, niacin, and minerals like calcium, manganese, iron, zinc, and potassium.

These are some of the incredible health benefits of this fruit:

Regulates hypertension

Sodium is the most powerful blood pressure fighter, and the star fruit is low in it but high in potassium, which controls blood pressure. This fruit can help with hypertension if consumed on a regular basis.

Reduces cholesterol

The carambola fruit boosts heart health and lowers harmful cholesterol levels due to its high fibre content. Bad cholesterol creates clogged arteries and, as a result, heart attacks. Consumption of the star fruit, on the other hand, raises HDL levels, or good cholesterol.

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Strengthens the immune system

This fruit is high in vitamin C, which helps to boost immunity and fight viral infections such as common colds and influenza.

Improves sleep and treats insomnia

Magnesium is highly beneficial in cases of insomnia and disturbed night sleep, and the carambola fruit contains a lot of it. As a result, consuming it will help you improve your sleep and obtain enough rest.

Helps digestion

The fibre in star fruit aids digestion by clearing the intestines and binding large amounts of water, preventing constipation. Its use after large meals aids digestion and prevents digestive problems.

It is beneficial for the skin

Because of its high flavonoid content, this fruit supports skin health. It also helps to avoid disorders such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, and the zinc in it helps to treat acne.

Proper fetus development

The carambola fruit is high in folic acid, or vitamin B9, which is especially beneficial during pregnancy. Folic acid is needed throughout the initial months of pregnancy for the healthy development of the neural tube and the baby’s brain.

Its regular ingestion following childbirth assists in the development of breast milk.

Controls diabetes

Because it is low in sugar, this fruit is ideal for diabetics. Furthermore, the fibre in it helps to control blood sugar levels during the day by preventing quick glucose absorption from the gut.

It has antimicrobial action

This fruit has been found in studies to efficiently fight E.coli infections such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella.

Improves eye health

This fruit helps eye health since it is high in vitamin A.


Despite its numerous health benefits, this fruit should not be ingested if you have kidney disease, are on dialysis, or have kidney failure because it contains a lot of oxalic acid and carambola. If taken under these circumstances, it may result in confusion, nausea, and vomiting.

Also, if you use medications like as opiates, statins, or benzodiazepines, you should avoid it because it contains chemicals that may interfere with these treatments, similar to grapefruit.

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