
You Have Been Cooking Rice Wrong Your Whole Life, Do This When the Water Boils

Most grains are more difficult to prepare than rice. The body digests its starch without difficulty, and rice yields increase. Rice, like other cereals, is not the healthiest option for your meals.

Eating too much rice leads to weight gain and raises the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes.

White rice is particularly hazardous. A cup of white rice contains 200 calories, which are frequently empty or pure starch with no discernible nutrition.

Fortunately, scientists have discovered a simple approach that reduces the number of calories while increasing the nutritional value of plain rice.

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“We cooked rice as usual, but before we put the rice in the boiling water, we added about 3% of the weight of the rice in coconut oil.” “After it was done, we put it in the fridge for about 12 hours,” Dr. Sudhair James adds.

What is actually happening?

Because boiling makes starch easier to digest, it is transformed into glycogen and sugar before being deposited as fat. Any other cooking method does not modify the rice, and the body cannot digest it effectively.

“The addition of lipids (in this case coconut oil or other fat that serves a purpose) drastically reduces the proportion of easily digestible starch,” Dr. Pusparajah Thavarajah continues, noting that oil affects the structure of starch. “Cooling helps reinforce the starch in its’heavier’ form, and rice remains less calorific and after being re-heated,” Prof. Thavarajah adds.

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