
For 15 Days Minus 15 Kilograms: New Hit Diet With Oranges And Eggs

It is based on well-known rules… This diet is designed for obese people, as well as those who have digestive issues or filthy skin, because it naturally minimizes fat absorption and thus improves the appearance of the skin.

Because the diet is fairly restrictive, you should visit a nutritionist and a doctor before starting it and following it under medical supervision.

Setting realistic goals is critical if you decide to follow this diet.

Even with the most restrictive diets, it is recommended that the body loses no more than half a kilogram every day.

This diet offers the opportunity to lose a whole pound a day.

Because muscle mass diminishes as a result of consuming fewer carbs during exercise, more physical activity is necessary. Running, cycling, swimming, or even walking can all be used for fitness. Don’t oversalt your diet because it causes the body to retain water. Instead of salt, use herbs. If you don’t acquire too much weight, though, try a different diet! Alternatively, follow a milder, tailored formula.

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Breakfast: 1 orange (or similar pear, peach, watermelon, melon, not banana), 2 rusks, a cup of coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: 1 orange, 1 boiled egg, 1 yogurt (or yogurt).

Dinner: 2 tomatoes or 2 dl tomato puree, 2 boiled eggs, 1/2 kg lettuce (small head) or cucumber, 2 rusks.


Breakfast: 1 orange (or in a similar range pear, peach, watermelon, melon – not banana), 2 rusks, a cup of coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: 1 orange, 1 egg, 1 yogurt, 2 rusks.

Dinner: 125 g minced beef, 1 tomato (or 1 dl tomato puree), 1 toast, 1 cup of tea or coffee.


Breakfast: 1 orange (or in a similar range pear, peach, watermelon, melon – not banana), 2 rusks, a cup of coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: 1 orange, 1 boiled egg, 1 yogurt, 1 small salad.

Dinner: 125 g minced meat, 1 orange, 1 toast, 1 cup of coffee or tea.


Breakfast: 1 orange (or in a similar range pear, peach, watermelon, melon – not banana), 2 rusks, a cup of coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: 125 g of fresh cow cheese with a little milk fat (and you can also use mozzarella cheese), 1 tomato, 1 toast.

Dinner: 125 g minced meat, 2 tomatoes or 2 dcl tomato puree, 1 apple, 1 toast


Breakfast: 1 orange (or in a similar range pear, peach, watermelon, melon – not banana), 2 rusks, a cup of coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled meat or fish, 1 tomato, 1 toast

Dinner: 500 g of cooked vegetables (carrots, peas, potatoes, (), 1 egg, 1 tomato. Eat normally on weekends!

To maintain the desired weight:

When you reach the desired weight, keep it by eating the next menu every Monday.

Breakfast: 1 sugar-free lemonade (you can use artificial sweeteners)

Lunch: 1 egg, 1 toast, 1 tomato (you can have another apple)

Dinner: 1 toast, 1 tomato (you can have another egg)

Instructions and rules

– You can season meat and cooked vegetables with vegeta
– Do not drink alcohol
-You can eat food hot or cold, and it is important to take it in the right order.
– After five days you will lose 2.5 – 5 kg.

After five days, be at least 2 days without diet and eat normally but moderately. Two days later, repeat the diet and so on 3 times in 5 days; a total of 15 days.

In fifteen days of dieting (if we subtract the days without dieting) you can lose up to 15 kg, which you will not gain, if after the diet you eat normally and every Monday on the menu for maintaining weight.

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