blocked arteries

7 Dangerous Signs Of Blocked Arteries That We Often Ignore

Many people mistakenly believe that blocked arteries are a problem for older people.  In any case, this can occur in your 20s. Subsequently, numerous individuals who are stood up to with this issue don’t have a clue the end result for them and do not react until it is too late. Therefore, it is important to know the signs that indicate blocked arteries in order to avoid a more serious problem.

1.Pain in the leaves, hips or thighs

Foot pain during walking activities may be a sign of blocked arteries. This implies your limbs don’t get enough blood. Side effects may incorporate torment and spasms in the legs or arms. The location of the pain depends on where the blockage or narrowed artery is located.

2.Chest pain

Chest pain is the aftereffect of a diminished blood stream to the heart. You may feel it like tension, tingling, pressure or burning. People do not usually feel this symptom when resting because it is triggered during physical activity or emotional overload. Sometimes blockages can be so bad that pain can signal to the person that there is a heart attack.

3.Temporary loss of vision on one side

The carotid arteries supply the eyes and mind with blood. In the event that they are hindered, the outcome is brief loss of vision or blurred vision on the same side. A total blockage can cause a stroke.

4.Lower back pain

Pain in the lower back is a serious sign that you do not dare to ignore. When the blood flow in this part of the body is reduced, the vertebrae become brittle. This leads to painful and traumatic nerves. Often this is the first symptom of blocked arteries. According to a survey, 10% of people in developed countries already have an increased risk of this phenomenon until their 20s.

5.Difficulties with breathing

This side effect happens when the coronary arteries are harmed. People feel it because the heart can not pump enough blood. A study has demonstrated that individuals regularly disregard breathing troubles, yet at times this is the only sign of serious coronary artery disease.

6.Cold feet and palms

Cold feet can be caused by narrowed arteries that reduce blood flow to the limbs. The slow healing of the wounds and the weak pulse in the feet are the same signs that you should not ignore them. Also, symptoms may be a sign of an extended artery disease that can affect the brain or heart and cause a heart attack or stroke.

7.Fatigue and dizziness

Fatigue is a rare symptom of coronary artery disease, but it can occur. These symptoms occur as a result of the reduced oxygen level due to poor blood flow. These side effects are increasingly normal in ladies.

What increases the risk of blocking the arteries?

There are several things that can affect this phenomenon:

An unhealthy level of cholesterol in the blood. This means that you have a high level of bad and low levels of good cholesterol.

High blood pressure. Blood pressure should not exceed 140/90 mmHg.

Smoking. Smoking damages and narrows blood vessels, increases cholesterol levels and increases blood pressure. In addition, it does not allow oxygen to reach all the tissues in the body.

Excessive weight or obesity. Body mass index between 25 and 29.9 means you have an overweight. If your index is higher, it means you are fat.

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