
Why Should You Start To Freeze Lemons?

A new study has proven that limynoids, natural ingredients in lemon and other citrus fruits are great for the prevention or fight against developing cancer cells, especially breast cancer. Scientists emphasize that no part of the lemon should be thrown away – from the juice, to the seeds and the bark, because only the crust contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the juice itself.

In addition to anticancer activity, the entire lemon helps to release the body from toxins, has antimicrobial action against bacterial and fungal infections, fights internal parasites and worms, regulates blood pressure, acts as an antidepressant and is excellent in fighting stress.

A new study has proven that limynoids, natural ingredients in lemon and other citrus fruits are great for the prevention or fight against developing cancer cells, especially breast cancer.

Notwithstanding the undeniable health reasons, you can appreciate the lemon in a totally new manner. You should simply to take a natural lemon, wash it well, put it in a cooler (directed or slashed on circles) and sit tight for it to solidify. At that point expel it from the cooler and make it.

This way you can serve in the salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, your favorite drink … Not only will you have the opportunity to taste something completely new, but your body will be thankful for you will be filled with health !

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