Night-time awakening is closely related to the mental and physical condition of a person, and the time in which it happens reveals what kind of problems it is. Take a look at the clock and find out what’s wrong with your body and your emotions.
Customary Chinese solution likewise focuses on these things.
Discover which time of the night you are frequently alert and discover what this implies:
21:00 to 23:00
If you have trouble sleeping in this part of the night, you may be stressed and tortured by the events that you passed that day or you are struck by what is ahead of you. This obstructs the flow of energy. Until the blockade of energy can come even if you do not eat healthy or eat too late.
23:00 to 1:00
Awakening in this period recommends that something is troubling you, that is, it’s not about you at any rate. Perhaps it’s something you stated, what you did, or something you ought to have done. This is the time when the yin energy transforms into yang. As indicated by the old Chinese conviction, yin symbolizes the female perspective (pessimism, murkiness, dampness, night and the great sides of everything around us), and yang speaks to the male viewpoint (inspiration, tranquility, immovability, dryness, day, and predominant angles). Awakening in this piece of the night can likewise show that you are expending excessively undesirable fats.

1:00 to 3:00
If you are most awake at this time, you are probably angry and frustrated, that is, you are overwhelmed with negative energy during the day, which is also reflected in sleep. Of course you would have to relax, because it hurts the processes that take place in your body. This period of the night is very important for the body, since then toxins are most active. The liver emits poisons, and creates molecules important for the digestive system. If something is wrong with the liver, then you will wake up in this part of the night.
3:00 to 5:00
Despondency and agony are explanations behind awakening in this piece of the night on the off chance that we see the profound part of life. For physical reasons, it’s conceivable to be chilly while you rest, so the body procedures won’t have the capacity to work appropriately. Likewise, waking as of now may show lung issues and deficient oxygen allow in the body.
5:00 to 7:00
During this period, the bowel is most active, and the toxins that are filtered and decomposed overnight are now slowly getting out of the body. Waking up in this period may mean that you have eaten too late, or you have a habit of eating bad and unhealthy foods packed with a variety of harmful ingredients.