
Best Food For People Who Very Seated

If your job is office then you probably spend a lot of time sitting. This may not seem harmful at first glance, but the long sitting is associated with a range of health problems such as high blood sugar, obesity and high levels of cholesterol.

The best thing you can do is to move throughout the day, yet in the event that you can not do it then you can lighten the negative impacts of sitting with healthy eating.

This food is best for many people sitting:

1.Eat nuts

Make a blend of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chickpeas, pistachios, Indian walnuts and such.

Make a blend of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chickpeas, pistachios, Indian walnuts and such. Walnuts contain omega 3 unsaturated fats, and almonds contain nutrient E. As indicated by the aftereffects of the ebb and flow look into, enough is 60 g of almonds day by day to ensure against diabetes and cardiovascular malady.


Garlic manages the level of sugar and fat in the blood. Moreover, it animates processing, eases irritation and thrombosis. To feel the effect you must eat at least one clove of garlic on a daily basis. The unpleasant smell can be removed with a glass of milk or chewing gum.


Avocado has the highest percentage of fat, its unsaturated fatty acids perceive muscle cells as healthy

Avocado has the highest percentage of fat, its unsaturated fatty acids perceive muscle cells as healthy and fight against fat around the stomach. You can eat avocados as a salad with other fruits or you can fill it with dark chocolate for dessert.

4.Olive oil

Consuming olive oil is a great way to protect yourself against the increased risk of heart disease. Just like walnuts, and the oil has fat that protects the heart and increases longevity.

5.Grains fruits

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants, aronia and the like are considered to be super foods for very good reason. They contain flavonides that help fight free radicals. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

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