apple vinegar

What Is the Use of Good Apple Vinegar?

Hair loss

If you have this problem, apple vinegar can help you. It is full of nutrients and regulates the pH of the skin on the head. It has also been shown that it leads to thickening of the hair and removes dead skin cells that can prevent hair growth and also helps against dandruff.


If you have a problem with your breathing, in addition to regular therapy, you can use apple cider vinegar as a natural remedy that can further help.


Dry cough is painful and irritating. If you are looking for a natural remedy, apple cider vinegar can help you.


Apple vinegar is great for this problem and acts as an antiseptic, so it battles bacteria that can cause diarrhea, and a large amount of pectin relieves irritation of the intestines. It is recommended a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar in 250 ml of water, three times a day.


If you can not sleep, drink a mixture of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 250 ml of water before you lie down.


Experience has shown that it can help with dizziness, and it is assumed that this is due to the impact on blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

apple vinegar
Experience has shown that it can help with dizziness, and it is assumed that this is due to the impact on blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Ear infection

Stir apple cider vinegar, alcohol and water in equal proportions. Soak a piece of cotton in this mixture, place it in the ear for five minutes, then remove it and lie down so that the liquid can run out of the ear. Dry your ear well.


Drink three times a day two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water or knead the skin mixture of half a glass of water and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

Tired and sick eyes

If you have a problem with your eyes, drink three times a day a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar, two tablespoons of honey and 250 ml of water.


Apple vinegar can relieve migraines and headaches. Try it and see for yourself.

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