
Healthy Soup That “Wipes” Two Kilograms in Ten Days

Good, old beets are called for one reason one of the healthiest foods in the world. It’s full of iron and it’s great for anemic individuals. It’s brimming with iron and it’s extraordinary for pale people. It’s about low-calorie vegetable with extremely nutritious fiber and great proteins that keep us for quite a while and give us vitality. It contains both folic corrosive and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6. In view of everything expressed, it is an astounding healthful supplement and weight control plans. For the individuals who need to get more fit soundly, an awesome decision is the beetcloth that “wipes” up to 2 pounds in 10 days. Amid that day and age, devour it day by day and dispose of undesirable pounds.

Good, old beets are called for one reason one of the healthiest foods in the world.

Ingredients required:

  • 400 milliliters chicken broth or vegetable soup
  • 2 medium size beets
  • 500 milliliters of water
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 small teaspoon sour cream
  • Prune salt
  • Copar
  • 2-3 drops of lemon
  • Fresh horn, optional

Method of preparation:

  1. Peel the beets, wash it and cut it into little cubes. At that point place it in a bowl of water, include salt and let it boil. Boil up the beets for around 25 minutes or until it softens, or until you can easily walk through it with the blade.
  2. Heat the chicken soup or broth with vegetables. Put in it boiled beets, apple vinegar and dill, so use a mixer or blender to turn all the ingredients into a cream.
  3. In the end, add a little lemon and a teaspoon of sour cream to the broth, and if you wish, you can also make a little fresh horn that perfectly matches the beets.

Important tips:

The suggested term of an eating routine with beets is 10 days. At that point complete a short interruption, no less than one to two weeks.

During the diet, you should consume at least 2 liters of water on a daily basis, not including the remaining fluid you enter during the day.

Find out more about: What Is All Good Apple Vinegar For?

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