
The Best and Worst Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids: Three Get Rid of Pain Like a Joke, Two Will Go Wrong

Don’t listen to all the health advice.

According to statistics, at least half of the world’s population suffers from hemorrhoids. This painful ailment is caused by enlarged blood vessels in the anus and lower section of the rectum. Excessive strain causes blood vessels to expand, therefore the most common cause is excessive strain, but also excessive sitting, pregnancy, chronic constipation, genetic predisposition, ageing, regular diarrhoea, anus infections, high pressure, lifting loads… In addition, diet plays a crucial part in the development of hemorrhoids, and extremely hot and spicy foods might induce them.

Hemorrhoids are classified as exterior or internal. Internal ones appear inside the anal canal and cannot be seen or felt when they are less severe. External hemorrhoids appear beneath the skin at the start of the anal canal and, unlike internal hemorrhoids, can cause excruciating discomfort during bowel movements.

There are several natural “remedies” that can help with this problem, but there are also popular remedies that, according to experts, just worsen the situation. Jeremy Lipman, a colorectal surgeon, says that any alteration around the anus is a red warning to see your doctor to make sure nothing more severe is going on, especially if you see blood. If it turns out to be hemorrhoids, attempt some home “checks” that have worked in the past.

What helps?

Before trying a home remedy, Dr. Lipman points out that you should first consult a doctor to confirm that it is hemorrhoids.

1. Sitting bath

Experts advise persons suffering from painful hemorrhoids to soak in warm water for 15 minutes several times a day, particularly after a bowel movement.

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– This is one of the greatest treatments, according to Dr. Lipman. How is it carried out? Fill a specialised tiny bowl (designed to rest on the board of the cup) with hot water. The sore area is thus heated and comforted in this manner. You can also simply sit in a warm pool of water.

2. Psyllium husks

Psyllium husks, which can be found in any health food store, aid to boost fibre intake and soften faeces, allowing them to pass more easily into the anus. If you consume too many of these flakes at once, you may have gas or stomach cramps.

-Use them to soften the stool and help you empty your bowels more frequently. Hemorrhoids are more likely to retreat when faeces are soft and easy to pass. Drink plenty of water if you take this vitamin, advises Dr. Lipman.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory qualities can help relieve hemorrhoids irritation. According to Dr. Lipman, this therapy is only safe to use if it is pure aloe and not one of the cream’s constituents.

What should you never use?

There are also several common treatments that, according to Dr. Lipman, not only do not assist but can potentially make things worse.

1. Apple cider vinegar

It is thought that using apple cider vinegar might provide rapid relief from hemorrhoids, as well as minimise itching and suffering.

– I do not recommend using apple cider vinegar since it can burn the skin and aggravate the condition, explains Lipman.

2. Tea tree oil

Can the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil help with hemorrhoids swelling and itching? There is some evidence that a gel prepared from this oil can alleviate symptoms, but this notion has not been thoroughly verified, thus Dr. Lipman does not endorse it.

Eat enough fibre (25 grammes per day for women, 38 grammes per day for men) and drink at least eight glasses of water every day to help treat and prevent hemorrhoids.

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