consume cheese

Is It Healthy To Consume Cheese Every Day?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of those people who can’t picture their daily diet without cheese. Is it, however, healthy to consume cheese every day?

Nutritionists have the solution. According to them, the answer to the topic of daily cheese consumption is tied to three questions:

  • What cheese do you eat?
  • How much cheese do you eat?
  • What is your health condition?

Of course, if you are lactose intolerant, then you should not eat a lot of cheese. Also, if you have heart disease, you should consume cheese with less sodium and fat.

What are the benefits of daily cheese consumption?

You can receive up to 10 grammes of protein or more from just 30 grammes of cheese, but most cheeses contain between five and seven grammes of protein per serving. In example, one egg contains six grammes of protein, therefore by including cheese in your meal, you can enhance your daily dairy protein consumption. Protein is vital because it keeps you fuller for longer than a meal with no protein. Protein is necessary for both blood sugar stabilisation and the development and maintenance of muscular tissue. The daily protein intake recommended is 0.8 grammes per kilogramme. As a result, if a person weighs 70 kilogrammes, he should consume 56 grammes of protein each day.

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One slice of cheese has 150 to 300 milligrammes of calcium, and the average person need 700 to 1,200 milligrammes of calcium per day to maintain bone health.

Cheese also contains vital vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin A, K, D, B12, and zinc. Cheese is high in vitamin A, which is not only crucial for eye health but also includes antioxidants. Furthermore, cheese is high in vitamin B12, which is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Cheese, like yoghurt and other fermented foods, includes bacteria that promote intestinal health.

What are the downsides of consuming cheese on a daily basis?

A slice of cheese can contain as much as 450 milligrammes of salt. Adults should limit their sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrammes per day, which is around one teaspoon of salt, according to dietitians.

It’s best to study cheese labels if you want to enjoy cheese while following a low-sodium diet. This will tell you which cheeses you can eat and how much of them you can consume.

If you consume more than 30 grammes of cheese, you will increase your saturated fat intake, so be mindful of the amount. Because a high-fat diet has been related to heart disease, the advice is to restrict your daily saturated fat intake to no more than five to six percent of total calories.

Is it bad to eat cheese every day?

Whatever type of cheese you choose, stick to the 30 gramme per day advice. Remember that there are other foods that can provide nutrients to the body. To put it another way, you can eat cheese every day, but not at every meal.

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