
Eat More Beets To Boost Recovery, Fight Inflammation, Support Liver Detox And Help Lower Blood Pressure

Regardless matter how you feel about beets, eating them is one of the best methods to improve overall health.

Beets, or beetroot as they are also known, are a variety of the Beta vulgaris species and belong to the Chenopodiaceae family. They are frequently used to salads, soups, and pickles as a natural coloring agent.

Despite being year-round and suitable for daily consumption, beets are nonetheless regarded as a seasonal food.

They have a flavor that can be described as being sour when fermented, earthy when raw, and sweet when roasted. They are nutrient-rich and good for our blood pressure, athletic performance, and heart and brain health.

Beets are rich in vitamin C, folate, manganese, and potassium, and low in calories. They are rich in fiber and water, as well as vitamins A and K.

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Here are some of the health benefits of beets:

  • Being high in fiber, beets help digestion and lower the risk of diabetes, colon cancer, and heart disease
  • The extract of beetroot has been scientifically confirmed to reduce the growth of both breast and prostate cancer cells
  • Beets lower blood pressure, as they contain naturally occurring nitrates which convert to nitric oxide, that dilates and relaxes blood vessels, and thus improves blood flow
  • Beets have potent anti-inflammatory properties due to a pigment they contain, betalain, and thus lowers pain and discomfort due to osteoarthritis
  • Nitric oxide helps to dilate and relax blood vessels and thus boosts blood flow to the brain
  • Betaines in beets detoxify the liver and reverse a fatty liver
  • Beet juice has been found to boost athletic performance due to its high nitric oxide conversion
  • Beet juice has been shown to increase muscle capacity, and help patients diagnosed with heart failure.

However, keep in mind that this vegetable is high in oxalates, which can lead to uric acid buildup in the body and cause gout, as well as kidney and bladder stones. Diabetes sufferers should stay away from beets because they are high in sugar.

Choose the tiny to medium-sized, firm-to-the-touch beets when buying them. Avoid the ones that are wrinkly, floppy, or shriveled.

If they have leaves, remove them from the root by approximately two inches, then store the leaves for up to three to four days in a different container or storage bag. They are very nutrient-dense and high in zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, iron, B6, phosphorus, and potassium.

Beets can be kept for up to three weeks in the refrigerator.

By adding beets to your diet, you will improve your overall health in various ways.

Therefore, here are some tasty ways to increase their intake:

  • Beetroot juice: Fresh beetroot juice is the most nutritious option since store-bought juice can be rich in added sugars and may only contain a small amount of beets.
  • Beetroot leaves: You can cook beet greens just like spinach.
  • Beetroot salad: Add grated beets to coleslaw.
  • Beetroot dip: Blend beets with Greek yogurt and you will get a delicious and healthy dip.

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