
Spray This Oil And You Will Never See Mold Again

You are undoubtedly aware of the harmful consequences of mold on health if it frequently arises in your home.

We will present one really powerful solution to this unpleasant issue, though!

The sole component of the spray we recommend is tea tree oil. The leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifoli shrub, an Australian native, are used to make this essential oil.

It is especially helpful in the event of mold, and the Aboriginal people have long used it for cuts, burns, and wounds due to its therapeutic characteristics. The afflicted areas were treated with tea tree leaves that had been crushed and applied. They then applied mud to the area to secure it.

Researchers from Australia, who determined that this oil’s antiseptic effects are 100 times more potent than carbolic acid, are credited with discovering the extraordinary capabilities of this essential oil in the 1920s, according to historians (which was a germicide commonly used then).

According to recent studies, this oil can be used to treat a variety of respiratory conditions, including bronchitis, asthma, TB, a sore throat, and a runny nose.

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Additionally, because tea tree oil has strong antibacterial properties, it is quite effective in treating skin conditions like burns, rashes, and dandruff.

But this post will show you how to use this essential oil to get rid of mold in your home. Its application is straightforward and uncomplicated, and it is quite effective against mold and germs.

This is what you need to do:

You will need:

  • A spray bottle
  • 2 teaspoons of Tea Tree Oil
  • 2 cups of water


Tea tree oil and water should be combined, then the resulting liquid should be put in a spray bottle. After that, spray on every area of the home where mold grows and let it air dry.

After that, wipe it away with a towel. You’ll be surprised by the immediate impact!

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