
Oregano – More Than A Spice!

Oregano is a flavor without which pizza would have a totally unrecognizable taste, yet this herb is considerably more than that. Oregano as a lasting herb develops in warm slopes in southwestern Europe and in the Mediterranean. Positively it is developed in other cooler places on the planet, however as a one-year herb.

Oregano is an important culinary herb because it serves as a spice specific aroma of dishes and salads in which it is added. Of course, oregano became popular outside of southern Italy, even after the Second World War. The origanous good goes with the spicy dishes that are very popular in southern Italy. To avoid confusion, oregano is used in all other kitchens in the Mediterranean, but also in the Philippines and Latin America.

From ancient times oregano has a medical application. The father of medicine, Hippocrates used oregano as a natural antiseptic, but also as a remedy for stomach pain and respiratory illness. It’s no big surprise why the Greeks still use oregano against aggravation of the throat.

Oregano is wealthy in cell reinforcements, basically polyphenols and flavonoids. Notwithstanding advantageous polyphenols, oregano likewise contains minerals: manganese, iron, calcium, and nutrient K. Hostile to bacterial activity of numerous kinds of microscopic organisms has additionally been demonstrated. It works on the organs of digestion, respiration and the nervous system.

Dried oregano (spice) can also be found on sale, as fresh (can be grown in flowerpot) and in the form of essential oil. Oregano oil (at most 4%) usually contains two polyphenolic compounds: carvacrol and thymol, which are the most common natural antiseptics. The oil of the wild oregano is even more noble than the cultivated oregano, and you can find it in herbal pharmacies and in healthy food stores. Compared to modern antiseptics, oregano oil yields even better results. If you want the oregano, you now have an additional reason.

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