feel happy

A Simple Way to Feel Happy

They say that little is required for joy, and now and then you simply need to sit peacefully adjacent to companions or a friend or family member and not to do virtually anything.

Precisely! You can see or not – that is your decision. Regardless, every individual feels a sort of inward happiness in such a circumstance since it is encompassed by individuals who feel great. You do not have to do anything to get your attention, you do not even need to fill the room with sounds. Sitting peacefully and feeling the nearness of companions is sufficiently very.

This way of thinking is Sufism. Sufism or Tasawwuf is a common name for various mystical movements that are characterized by the struggle, love, knowledge of spiritual truth and ecstatic unity with the beloved Creator as the ultimate goal of each individual.

Feel Happy
It is therefore necessary to transform the impressions, and this is only possible if we place ourselves between the various vibrations of the outside world and the mind.

“The worst thing in life is to forget yourself. It is therefore necessary to transform the impressions, and this is only possible if we place ourselves between the various vibrations of the outside world and the mind. When one brings in the impression and the mind what we call consciousness, it is evident that impressions turn into force and power of a higher rank. “

As much as you have a job, never forget yourself. If you do not, you will not have the job. Rest mentally and physically and be cautious above all else.

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