your health

How The Birthday Is Reflecting On Your Health

Is it possible for the month in which you were born to determine the rest of your life? Strong assertion, but not quite meaningless. Dozens of research shows that the season and month of birth have a significance, mostly for health. For example:

your health
Dozens of research shows that the season and month of birth have a significance, mostly for health. For example:
  • Children born in autumn are more likely to develop allergies to milk, eggs and peanuts, according to a study published in Allergy magazine in 2012. The reason is that they have lower amounts of vitamin D at birth.
  • Thai research claims that autumns are more likely to develop asthma by 13%, since they are exposed to cold and windy weather in their first months of birth.
  • In 2009, Notre Dame University turned out with the speculation that winter babies are unhappy. Moms’ examination has been done in this period, as per which most moms are unmarried or poorly educated.
  • A recent study by German scientists says that births between November and January are more likely to show leftists. The reason is in the amount of testosterone, which increases in the womb in less daylight and affects the left half of the brain of the fetus.
  • Spring babies are more susceptible to autoimmune disease, according to a study published in 2012 in BMC Medicine.
  • Births in the summer are more prone to suicide, claims a 2010 Hungarian survey. According to him in July, babies are 14% more likely to end their lives than December’s.

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