
The renowned American doctor, Hilda Clark (1928-2009), advised to cleanse the liver using a bitter salt, that is, magnesium sulphate which can be bought in pharmacies. Her recipe tells you to mix four spoons of bitter salt with three cups of spring or flush water and place them in a glass jar.

To correct the taste can be added 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder. Place the jar in the refrigerator. Drink the first cup (1/4 of the solution) at 18 o’clock, the second in the quarter at 20 o’clock.At 21.45 weigh a some olive oil that should be enhanced with red grape juice, put in a container with a cover and rub well until the point that you get a reasonable juice like water.

The renowned American doctor, Hilda Clark (1928-2009), advised to cleanse the liver using a bitter salt, that is

Such a prepared mixture should be washed at 22 o’clock. Then, as soon as possible, lie in bed on your back and rest for at least 20 minutes. At 8 o’clock in the morning drink the third quarter of the dose with bitter salt. Go lie down again and at 10 o’clock drink the last quarter bitter salt. For all this time you should not eat anything. Drink some fruit juice at noon, and an hour later you eat something easy until dinner. The procedure is best planned for the weekend. Repeat in two weeks.

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