
The Diet as a Source of Food and Energy

The millet is one of the most established oats utilized as a part of human sustenance. It is an extremely nutritious and recuperating oat. It contains a normal of more protein than wheat, corn and rice, and additionally valuable minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, press, potassium, calcium, lecithin, sodium, iodine and fundamental amino acids, vitamins from aggregate B (B1 and B2) and microelements. It contains 14% vegetable protein and around 60% starches, and next to no fat. Due to its high organic and healthful esteem, it is especially suggested for the moms and nursing moms, and for the individuals who have physical and mystic weakness. The biscuit gives the body vitality required, fortifies invulnerability, reinforces hair and nails.

The diet is recommended to people who have problems with the stomach, pancreas and spleen. Consuming millet, at least 2-3 times a week, is an excellent protection against damage to the cardiovascular system and bowel disease. It has a protective role against sneezing, flu and bronchitis. It restores human cells, helps intellectual work and protects against fatigue and depression.

The diet is recommended to people who have problems with the stomach, pancreas and spleen.

A way of use:

A glass of peeled beans from a millet is poured with some water and left to peel for 5 hours. In the event that water is absorbed the swollen millet, include more water and let it bubble. In it is included bound carrots, parsley, leeks, celery, and when cooked, include somewhat salt. This eating regimen cleanses the body.

Boil one tablespoon millet, boil for 5 minutes in 300 ml of water, rinse, sweeten with honey and drink at night before bedtime. It is given to children who wet in a dream. The broth brewed in milk or as a soup is good food for the strengthening of the organism.

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