High cholesterol is dangerous to one’s health. If it exceeds the allowable limits, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases, which, if not treated promptly, can
Tag: healthy

If there existed a list of the healthiest foods, blackberries would undoubtedly be among the top ten. This fruit is high in antioxidants, particularly ellagitannin,

The term “depression” has entered common parlance; we all talk about it, we all know someone who is being treated for it, and we all

Of course, when you wake up refreshed, your day is more likely to be filled with the desire to work and happy ideas, but the

Do you have stomach aches and digestive issues? You most likely have a digestive problem that can be resolved with three tried-and-true recipes. Look at

If you have thyroid (thyroid) gland issues, onions can be a great help… Doctor Igor Knyazkin’s recipe has been shown to be one of the

There is no life without water! Although we all know this, practise demonstrates that a huge number of people are continually dealing with the consequences

According to the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), kidneys not only work hard to filter fluid and waste from nearly 200 litres of your blood each

As the weather warms up, more seasonal fruits become accessible for us to consume, and strawberries quickly spring to mind. Although they can be purchased

Are you on public transport, at work or in an important meeting and you just feel like sneezing, but you hold back? Doctors warn that