Gum recession

These Natural Remedies Can Help You Restore Your Receding Gums

You can regrow your receding gums with the aid of these wonderful natural therapies.

The gums are the soft tissue that surrounds and holds the tooth root in place.

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue around the tooth pushes back or erodes, making the tooth more noticeable. This problem causes gaps or pockets to form between the teeth, which are ideal environments for the growth of bacteria.

Teeth become increasingly painful and sensitive as they become more noticeable. Additionally, tooth loss may result from damage to the bone structure and supporting tissue.

Considering how slowly and gradually it grows, this dangerous dental disease is frequently disregarded. However, in order to cure receding gums promptly, you must be aware of the symptoms.

The sensitivity of your teeth is the first indication that you have this gum problem. Additionally, if a tooth grows larger, it can be a sign that the gums are receding. Additional indications of receding gums include:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Toothache/pain
  • Larger size of a tooth than previously

Gum disease of any kind can result in receding gums, although it can also be brought on by:

Poor oral hygiene– If you don’t wash your teeth every day, the plague could easily spread to your teeth. Calculus, a hard substance that promotes gum recession, will develop in this way.

Forceful brushing: This condition may also be brought on by aggressive tooth brushing, which can harm the enamel.

Periodontal diseases are bacterial infections of the gums that obliterate the tooth’s supporting bone and result in a wide range of additional symptoms.

Sensitive gums can frequently be brought on by hormonal imbalance, particularly in women.

Smoking — This bad habit causes several health problems, including cancer, lung conditions, and gum recession. In particular, sticky plague is easily deposited on smokers’ teeth, which may be the cause of this illness.

Genes: Sometimes, receding gums are a result of a hereditary tendency.

Gum recession can occasionally result from tongue or lip piercing techniques. Additionally, teeth clenching and grinding might cause your gums to recede. The identical problem could arise from mouthing food aggressively.


Root planing or tooth scaling may be used to treat this problem in its early stages. In particular, your dentist will clean the region behind the gum line and remove any calculus.

However, if the condition is not addressed quickly, surgery may be the sole option to restore the missing tooth’s bone and tissue, reduce its depth, regenerate soft tissue grafts, etc.

To avoid surgery, you might attempt a few natural home remedies to address this problem. But before adopting any alternative treatments, especially if you have a severe gum infection, you should call your dentist.

You can regrow your receding gums naturally by using the following straightforward herbs and spices in conjunction with good oral hygiene practices and techniques like oil pulling:

Green tea

Green tea is a strong source of antioxidants, which fight free radicals that can result in periodontal disease and has amazing health advantages.

Additionally, it includes catechins, an antioxidant with profound anti-inflammatory qualities that heals any form of periodontal disease by enhancing the bond between the teeth and gums and reducing gum swelling. All you need to do is have a cup of this tea every morning as usual.

Aloe vera

Due to its extraordinary healing and anti-inflammatory properties, this well-known and incredibly helpful plant is frequently utilized in skin care products. Due to its antibacterial qualities, aloe vera will heal the inflammation, mend the damaged tissue, and prevent infections in the case of receding gums.

Aloe vera can be used as mouthwash. After brushing your teeth, combine it with little water and gargle with it. Additionally, after brushing and flossing, you can use aloe vera gel and clean your teeth once more for three to five minutes. Afterward, thoroughly rinse.

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Pulling oil

The best solution to this problem is this. Although it works best for filling cavities, it also helps to protect against other oral ailments.

This procedure eliminates poisons and plague deposits while having potent anti-inflammatory benefits. Additionally, sesame oil forms a barrier around the teeth to stop plague from building up.

It needs to be warmed up, but not overheated. After brushing your teeth, use it to rinse your mouth. To get acclimated to the flavor, rinse and gargle for 30 to 60 seconds. Increase the duration gradually until you can perform it for 15 to 20 minutes.

In this situation, coconut oil is also fantastic since it will treat the bacterial infection that is a key contributor to the illness, stop tooth decay, heal the oral cavity, and encourage the growth of receding gums.

After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with it. Start with a minute or two and work your way up to 20 minutes.


Numerous health advantages of eucalyptus exist. Its essential oil, however, efficiently combats bacteria and germs in the mouth as well as all types of diseases because essential oils have an even more pronounced and powerful action than herbs.

Additionally, it effectively lowers gum swellings. This is because it has high anti-inflammatory qualities. However, because it might be very potent, remember to dilute it with water before using.

One or two drops of eucalyptus essential oil should be mixed with one or two tablespoons of water. Apply the oil on the toothbrush and the gums. Massage gently to cure and ward against gum recession.


The resin from the myrrh tree is what you need. The myrrh tree’s resin is a very powerful remedy for gum problems and mouth disorders. Additionally, it will successfully stop gum recession and stop additional harm.

Use myrrh that has already been powdered if you don’t have a resin to crush and make a powder from. Create a paste out of it and water, then apply it to the gums. For several minutes, massage.

Clove oil

This oil is frequently used in the case of a toothache. Clove oil fights all kinds of germs, bacteria and disease in the mouth. it also alleviated swelling and has miraculous anti-inflammatory properties. You should a clove after meals in order to alleviate the inflammation. This will also help you get rid of unpleasant breath.

Use 1-2 clove oil drops to massage the gums. Repeat this three times during the day.

Note that in the case of treatment of blood clots, you should contact your doctor in order to consult him about the application of the clove oil method.


If possible, always try to prevent these issues and diseases before you suffer from them. Here are some extremely important things in order to prevent gum diseases, and infections in the mouth.

  • the most important thing is a regular oral hygiene
  • do not brush your teeth aggressively
  • do not push the gums while brushing, but go along the gum line
  • brush the teeth with gentle strokes, in a circular motion
  • buy a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head
  • use dental floss, after each meal during the day
  • if you do not have the opportunity to floss or brush the teeth, use a mouthwash after the meal

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