Even though the sensations we experience occasionally do not necessarily point to a serious health concern, we must be aware of any symptoms that may be harmful in our bodies. The sooner we consult the doctor, the better, as these symptoms typically appear quickly, persist longer than usual, yet look unusual.
This page will describe all pains that professionals believe to be warning signs.
Severe head pain
If you frequently get severe headaches, you may have migraine. However, sudden, intense headaches can indicate a brain aneurysm if they are not accompanied by other migraine symptoms (like a visual aura). Namely, “a burst aneurysm can cause brain damage within minutes, so you need to call 911 immediately,” according to Elsa-Grace Giardina, MD, a cardiologist and the head of the Center for Women’s Health at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.
Abdominal discomfort accompanied by gas or bloating
We all occasionally experience stomach bloating and gas, but if you begin to have these symptoms nearly every day for longer than two or three weeks, consider it a warning sign and make an appointment with your ob-gyn to discuss your concerns.
The worst-case scenario is ovarian cancer if these symptoms are brand-new. Bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, and difficulty eating are the three early signs of this type of cancer that were initially identified by the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation in 2007.
Back pain with tingling toes
Anti-inflammatories ought to take the edge off the discomfort if you engage in a strenuous physical activity and experience back pain and tingling in your toes as a result. If they are unable to assist, you should seek out an orthopedist.
One of your discs, which are the spongy rings that cushion the bones in your spine, “could be pressing on the spinal nerve,” says Atlanta orthopedist and sports medicine specialist Letha Griffin, MD. If this problem is not correctly addressed, irreparable nerve damage may result.
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A throbbing tooth
You should promptly patch a tooth if its white enamel is fractured or decaying away since this indicates that the tooth’s nerve has likely been injured. Otherwise, oral germs may infiltrate the nerve.
If the tooth is already infected, a root canal will be necessary, during which the bacteria-filled pulp of the tooth is removed and replaced with plastic caulk. An additional point is that “you definitely don’t want that breeding colony to expand throughout your body,” says Kimberly Harms, DDS, a dentist in the Minnesota suburbs of St. Paul.
Chest pain
Dr. Arthur Agatston, MD, a preventive cardiologist, states that “if patients were to become well versed in what I think of as the delicate language of the heart, many patients could avoid undue stress and money.” According to studies, women are more likely than men to experience a variety of heart attack symptoms.
He learned from his experience that both sexes can suffer these three warning signs of a heart attack. They are persistent chest pain, several types of breathing difficulties, and any new upper body pain. Any of these symptoms should be reported right away by making a 911 or doctor’s call.
Leg pain with swelling
A blood clot or deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) will present with symptoms such as intense calf soreness and significant swelling that is either red or warm to the touch. Avoid trying to walk the discomfort away or massage the affected area. Your oxygen supply could be cut off if the clot escapes and travels via your veins to your lungs. Simply make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you can.
To check for a DVT, the doctor will perform a CT scan or ultrasound. According to Suzanne Steinbaum, MD, head of women and heart disease for the Heart and Vascular Institute, if you receive a positive diagnosis, you may need to take blood thinners — sometimes for as long as a year — to dissolve it.
Sharp pain in your side
You may have appendicitis if you experience a sharp pain on the right side of your body, along with nausea and a fever. If these symptoms are present in females, it may indicate ovarian cancer.
Usually harmless, these fluid-filled sacs vanish on their own, but if one twists or ruptures, it can be excruciatingly painful. An urgent surgery successfully treats both situations.
“If you don’t remove an inflamed appendix, it can burst,” adds Lin Chang, MD, a gastroenterologist and co-director of the Center for Neurovisceral Sciences and Women’s Health at UCLA. “A cyst also needs to be removed soon away considering that it can obstruct blood flow to the ovary within hours.”
You Also Need To Know the symptoms of a stroke
According to the American Heart Association, stroke is known as the third leading cause of death in the United States and a leading cause of serious disabilities. That means that everyone must learn the symptoms of stroke in order to know when it is necessary to immediately call 9-1-1.
Some of the most prominent stroke signs are the following:
- Sudden, severe headache with no known cause
- Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
- Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
- Sudden vision problems, in one or both eyes
- Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination