lung cancer

9 Lung Cancer Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of

Early-stage lung cancer has no discernible symptoms. In particular, stage 3 lung cancer was detected in one-third of patients and had advanced to 40% of patients when the diagnosis was made. In order to stop the progression of the disease, you should read this article and learn the early signs, how to spot them, and how early screening can be beneficial.

Chest x-rays cannot detect cancer in its early stages. However, lung cancer was more successfully found with low-dose CT scans. Low-dose computed tomography (CT) scans have been shown to reduce lung cancer mortality by 20%, according to a 2011 study. 53,454 participants in this trial who were at high risk for lung cancer underwent a low-dose CT scan or X-ray.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force advised low-dose CT screening for high-risk individuals who are more susceptible to this disease as a result of this study. This comprises those who are 55 to 79 years old, have smoked for at least 30 years, or have smoked during the previous 15 years.

Alteration in a Cough

If you detect any changes in your chronic cough, especially if you smoke, you should exercise caution. These modifications could take the form of excessive mucus production, frequent coughing with a hoarse and deeper sound, or all three. It is strongly advised that you see a doctor as soon as possible if you or someone close to you exhibits these symptoms.

Raspy, Hoarse Voice

Lung cancer-related hoarseness manifests when the tumor presses on the nerve that regulates the voice box or larynx. You should see a doctor right away if you or someone else observes that your voice is deeper, raspier, or hoarser. Even though these symptoms may be related to something simple, if they persist for longer than fifteen days, you should be concerned.

Loss of weight

Cancer cells utilize body energy in the same way that the body does, which causes a rapid loss of weight of 10 pounds or more.

Bone Pain

Back discomfort or other pain can result from lung cancer spreading to the bones, and this pain is usually worse at night while you’re lying on your back. Additionally, albeit infrequently, this form of malignancy is connected to arm, neck, and shoulder pain. However, keep in mind to call your doctor every time you get pain.

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In the event that lung cancer has progressed to the brain, headaches may also be experienced. However, not every headache is caused by brain metastases. The major vena cava, the bigger vein that carries blood from the upper body into the heart, may occasionally become compressed by a lung tumor. It can also result in headaches.

Breathing Changes

Breathing difficulties are frequently experienced in cases of lung cancer due to the disease’s blockage and narrowing of the airways as well as the fluid that the tumor in the lung has gathered in the chest. Therefore, if you frequently find yourself out of breath while carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or doing other activities that previously didn’t make you feel out of breath, see a doctor.

Pain in the Chest Area

You should exercise caution if you experience pain in your back, chest, or shoulder because this pain may also be caused by lung cancer, which is infrequently associated with coughing. It is always a sign that you should see your doctor whether it is constant, fleeting, or dull. Additionally, pay attention to whether the pain is localized to one location or spreads throughout the chest. Lung cancer can metastasize to the chest wall, pleura (the lining around the lungs), the ribs, or it can produce swollen lymph nodes to cause chest pain.

Persistent Cough

The cough that comes with a cold or respiratory infection goes away after a week or two. On the other hand, a cough that is chronic and doesn’t go away may indicate lung cancer. Be cautious if the cough lasts longer than usual. Additionally, if you cough for an extended amount of time, whether or not there is mucus present, you should see a doctor.


If you cough while wheezing or making a whistling sound, your airway may be obstructed, irritated, or congested. Wheezing is a symptom of lung cancer, but it can also be an indication of a number of benign and treatable medical disorders, so don’t wait to see your doctor; he can diagnose the issue.

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