Stomach viruses

Natural Foods That Will Soothe The Symptoms Of A Stomach Virus

Stomach viruses can dehydrate you, exhaust you, raise the temperature of your body, even cause headaches and muscle aches.

Using a food or drink or interaction with an infected person, you can ingest them. The condition subsides within a few days, although painful, and rarely causes severe complications.

The treatment is usually based on a natural basis, and sometimes to improve the condition they only need an injection of electrolytes. But try to help yourself naturally before this happens.
Input fluid

You need water to make up for lost fluids due to diarrhea or vomiting. Always drink small sips, whether it is plain, non-carbonated mineral water, clear soup or pharmaceutical electrolytes.


Ginger tea helps relieve vomiting and relieves cramps and bloating of the stomach. You can drink up to three cups a day from either fresh or ginger powder.


Mint soothes bloating and has been known as a remedy against stomach upset since the distant past. Sweeten it a little and drink it twice a day.


Cinnamon is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, soothes infections and nausea symptoms. Boil one teaspoon of cinnamon in boiling water and strain. Drink up to two cups a day.


Chamomile relaxes muscle tissue, helps with diarrhea and nausea and can drink up to one liter of chamomile tea per day.

After reading this text you can also read about: The Fastest And Cheapest Cure For Viral Warts

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