
Acrophobia – Fear Of The Dark

What is Acrophobia?

Acrophobia is a dread of the dark that is illogical. This phobia affects both children and adults, however it affects women more than males.

Acrophobia is also known as noctophobia and lithophobia. The word acrophobia comes from the word “achluo” meaning darkness and the Greek word “pathos” meaning fear.

When people with this phobia are in a dark environment, they often imagine ghosts, vampires, or other bad creatures trying to harm them. These folks are terrified of not being able to see what is going on around them and expecting anything to appear in front of or behind them at any minute.

What are the symptoms of Acrophobia?

The signs and symptoms of a dark phobia are unique to each person, differ from one person to the next. When they are in a dark environment, some people become uncomfortable and start sweating. However, other people take their fear of the dark more seriously, becoming too aroused and experiencing panic episodes. Other symptoms that people with acrophobia may experience include:

  • Dry mouth;
  • Muscle tension;
  • Choking and shortness of breath;
  • Uncontrolled shaking;
  • Accelerated heart rate;
  • Feeling out of control;
  • Feeling trapped and having no way out.

What causes the phobia of darkness?

There are a number of factors that can lead to the development of a fear of darkness. This phobia is sometimes the outcome of a specific circumstance (trauma) that occurred in the past, and the person is now scared of it happening again. In other circumstances, aclophobia emerges out of nowhere, reflects underlying dread, and subsequently gets more pronounced.

People who are scared of the dark frequently sleep with the light on and refuse to stroll at night or in a dark house or room.

Diagnosis and treatment

The majority of people who suffer from acrophobia are self-diagnosed. They recognize that their fear is unreasonable and that it prevents them from doing certain things. Some are taught how to cope with their fears, while others seek professional assistance.

Acupuncture is advised for more severe cases of acrophobia, however it is not the only treatment option. Speaking with a professional can assist anyone in facing their fears and overcoming them.

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