This elixir purifies the blood and strengthens the immune system.
If you want to be healthy all winter, and in addition to purifying the body from all poisons and toxins, make this a healthy and truly unique effective recipe for health.
It works in two directions – it purifies the blood and strengthens the immune system, so it is guaranteed that it will not catch you a virus, cold, and even less a flu.
Forget about the numerous drugs and pharmaceuticals that are not only expensive, but most of them do not have a reaction.
Therefore, this old formula is a genuine regular ponder for health and it is made of just two fixings – these are onions and lemons. Truly, it can sound somewhat dull and dreadful, however worth each drop.

It is done taking 300 grams of onions and 1 kilogram of lemons
First, the lemon is cut into pieces, and the onion is peeled on the onion, and the same is cut.
Then we put water in a pot that we leave to boil on the plate. Once we see that the water is already boiled, we put the pieces of lemon and onions in it – after which we leave them together and leave it in the pot for 15 minutes.
We leave the lemon and onion soaked in boiling water. Then we bathe this potion and close it in a jar, preferably with a lid. From this amount we drink every day fast, just one small glass.
It is good to make the treatment full for 25 days, as a potion, of course, it is not prepared only once for the entire period, but several times. The amount of water we need each time we prepare it is about two liters.