Scientists assure that egg consumption does not cause heart disease, although the opposite is widespread. It was additionally discovered that eating an egg for every day diminishes the danger of stroke.

These discoveries originated from specialists from the organizations “Epistat” and “Di El Double Consulting Services” in 2016. Nonetheless, in 2017, their partners composed a solid eating regimen that say that eggs are hurtful to health since they increment cholesterol levels.
Now, however, cardiologists have clarified that if most portions involve fruits, vegetables or products that contain them, the eggs are not associated with a serious risk of an increase in cholesterol levels. In the opinion of cardiologists, the only position on egg consumption still does not exist. They reiterate that healthy eating is not a major factor that reduces the risk of heart disease.
Experts believe that stopping smoking and more physical activity are more significant. Genetic predisposition is also important.