Urinary tract inflammation is a surprisingly common problem for women. In addition to unpleasant feelings and tingling when urinating, this problem, if not cured, can cause much more complications. If you experience the symptoms of inflamed urinary tract, seek immediate medical attention, and you will find allies in the fight against bacteria in the following simple but very powerful foods:
Uvin tea
Uvin tea is notable in our area as a standout amongst the best methods for managing this sort of aggravation. It is a blend of herbs that support the urinary tract and help the body to microscopic organisms. You can find this tea in every pharmacy and a bigger market.

Drinking a lot of water is the best treatment for aggravated motorways. Water from the urinary tract will “inhale” the microscopic organisms that reason the irritation.
Baking soda
One of the most effective home remedies in the fight against inflamed bladder is the bicarbonate. Put one full tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water, mix it well and drink it, preferably between meals or on an empty stomach. Repeat the procedure every day until the inflammation disappears.
Juice or cranberry tea
In addition to being tasty, it is very effective and is recommended for pregnant women who have urinary infections. Cranberries contain enzymes that are ideal fighters against inflammation in the body. Juice and cranberry tea also act as a diuretic, which also helps in the fight against bacteria, and you can not sugar them with sugar if you have this problem.

Antibiotics kill bad bacteria, but do not spare spirits that regulate the proper functioning of the mucous membrane of the body. Probiotics contain good bacteria that balance PH value of the mucous membrane and help the body fight infections.
The lemon is brimming with vitamin C, which enables the body to dispose of microscopic organisms. However, don’t try too hard with the utilization of citrus organic products since they aggravate PH estimation of the mucous film and can intensify the work on the off chance that you try too hard. Blend one tablespoon of lemon juice with 200 ml of high temp water and pour the fluid as tea. Along these lines, lemon will facilitate the unpalatable sentiment of shivering.
Garlic is the strongest natural antibiotic that cures numerous infections and inflammations, both internally in the body and externally to the skin. Unlike antibiotics, this food is antibacterial and antiviral, at the same time. During periods of reduced immunity and inflammation in the body, increase the consumption of garlic.
Parsley is an intense sustenance that is mitigating. This herb is a decent diuretic, and can be expended crisp (in a plate of mixed greens or sandwich) or as tea.