Studies demonstrate that the utilization of specific vegetables diminishes irritation in the gut and lessens the danger of colon growth.
Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli keep the improvement of gut growth, another examination appeared.
A study by the Francis Creek Institute in London found that certain chemicals that contain this vegetable reduce inflammation of the intestines and the colon, which protects against intestinal cancer.
This study investigated the benefits of eating foods rich in indole-3-carbinol (I3C). This substance is produced in the body after the introduction of the diet from the family brassica, such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprout, cabbage and kale.

Investigating, scientists have found that the presence of I3C prevents intestinal inflammation and cancer development by activating a protein called aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR).
The first effect they have observed is the prevention of bowel inflammation, so AHR sends a signal to immune cells and epithelial cells. As a consequence, there is a lower risk of developing bowel cancer.
By exploring different avenues regarding guinea pigs, it was discovered that in those rats with officially created growth, by changing to the I3C-containing diet, the tumor is essentially diminished and is favorable.
The consequences of this examination prompted the end that the utilization of specific nourishments assumes an essential job in keeping a few types of malignancy.
Dr. Jit Stucciere says other factors, such as genetics, have influenced the development of this disease, but that healthy eating is one of the most effective ways to prevent the disease.
“These findings are the reason for optimism, we can not change the genetic factors that increase the risk of cancer, but we can reduce the risk of consumption of this vegetable,” Dr Stuckinger insists.