
Why is it Healthy to Eat Apples?

Apples are wealthy in fiber and nobly affect digestion, particularly when you eat them with oats.

The apple has up to 40 percent vitamin C, and contains vitamins An, E, B1, B2, B6, and beta carotene. It likewise contains minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

For better digestion – regular eating baked or cooked apples or compote of apple, especially during the winter period.

It is rich in polyphenols – plant compounds that have significant antioxidant activity. It is generally known that at least one apple a day can contribute to better general health.

The apple is most normally eaten crude, yet it can likewise be cooked, heated, dried, prepared in juices, jellies, jams, and apple juice vinegar is additionally known.

The apple contains likewise sugars, natural acids, in little sums, and all basic and fundamental amino acids, fragrance and shading.

Medicinal properties of apples

Against bloating and spoiled stomach – several weeks three times a week, you eat a sour apple, one to two hours before or after eating.

Against diarrhea – eat grated apples and a compote of apples. Especially recommended is the use of sour apples.

For better digestion – regular eating baked or cooked apples or compote of apple, especially during the winter period.

It is recommended that you eat two fresh apples after breakfast and dinner and so five days a week. Because the apple is calorie poor, it’s a good choice and while you are on a diet. Also, apples can be used for therapeutic purposes, which additionally justifies their consumption.

For example, for stool regulation and stabilization of intestinal flora you eat one to two apples per day.

The apple can protect the stomach from damage caused by taking medicines, while antioxidants in the apples can protect the brain from aging.

Apples contain antioxidants that protect the lungs, thus helping to combat asthma.

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