Eat half an avocado after lunch or in the afternoon and you will not feel that hungry famine for something sweet, which will make you eat more calories or harmful snacks. People who experienced this advice say they feel 40% sit up to three hours after lunch and do not feel hungry for unhealthy snacks between meals.
You can bite half an avocado before lunch, which will stimulate the feeling of satiety and so will reduce the temptation to bite a lighter lunch, experts say.
They needed to decide how the utilization of avocados would influence the sentiment of satiety, glucose level, insulin reaction and yearning for nibbling and dinner toward the evening.
Scientists studied 26 healthy adults with overweight. They found that participants who added half fresh avocado to their lunch, had a 40% less desire to eat whatever in the next three hours, and 28% in the next five hours.

The research director, Dr. Joan Sabah, nutritionist at Loma Linda University in California, said: “The feeling of satiety is an important factor in weight regulation, because people who do not feel hungry eat less often among the basic meals. We must note that while the addition of avocados increases total calories and carbohydrates that participants receive at lunch, then at least there is no increase in blood sugar levels, which is noticeable. “
As indicated by the analyst, these outcomes are for the most part positive and give promising direction and premise to future research. Half an avocado contains around 150 calories, however it additionally has high fiber content and advantageous fats.