Mends hemorrhoids, ovary sores, inflammation, ulcers and various different sicknesses.
You can set up this medication yourself, and particularly it can stay for a long time, and you can do it in large amounts.
Ingredients required:
- 400 milliliters cold pressed olive oil (can and coconut oil)
- 1 egg
- 60 grams of natural beeswax
Method of preparation:
Boil the egg, take the bile and crush it. Pour the oil in the pot and place the wax in it. Heat on low heat and when the wax melted, start, slightly by little, adding the bile. The oil will start to blossom, and if it starts to foam, remove it from the fire briefly and continue until you mix the entire yolk. Then, drain the liquid through the strainer and place it in a jar. Before it tightens, mix it several times so that the wax on the bottom does not fall.
If you use lint grease, you need to warm it to water vapor (at approximately 40 degrees)
Here’s what can cure this balm:
Inflammation of the middle ear
Take a piece of cotton wool, dip it in a grinder and place it in your ear. If necessary, change the wadding, and you can apply the grease directly to your ear. The balm will pull the whole pus. It can be applied to any inflammation of the ear, it does not have to be rotten.

Bronchitis, pain in the stomach and intestines
Three times a day, before the meal, take half a teaspoon of the melt
Fibromyoses up to 10 weeks, cysts of the ovary, inflammation, mastitis
In the vagina, tampons are put with this emollient toward the beginning of the day and at night. Following twelve days, pimples ought to vanish. For fibromyomas you will require quite a while. For mastitis, a paper trowel is put on the chest absorbed the factories, and a nylon pack is put to finish everything. On the off chance that conceivable, change it at regular intervals.
Burns, ulcers, wounds and joint pain
Apply the melee to the sore spot, wrap it and leave it overnight. You can apply it only with a piece of wad soaked in the melee, if the wounds are not large.
A buffer is made and placed in the anus overnight, 8-10 days or until improvement occurs.
For outside utilize, wrap the layer around evening time and enable it to stand medium-term, and on the off chance that you put packs on difficult joints, enclose them by a scarf or swathe.
For indoor utilize, you should ensure that the wax is extremely a honey bee and that the oil is an olive squeezed in the harsh elements.