baby to sleep

Why Is It Good For The Baby To Sleep With The Mother?

Numerous studies have shown that the baby’s heart is under much greater stress if the child has to sleep alone.

That is why experts recommend that mothers sleep in the same bed or at least in the same room with the baby until the third year of its birth.

Experts also claim that babies who fall asleep at their mothers’ breasts sleep better than those who sleep in a cradle or crib. This research was conducted at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and shows that if they sleep apart, mother and child have a harder time bonding.

Interestingly, researchers emphasize that sleeping separated from mothers affects the development of the brain of babies and can be reflected in the form of behavioral problems later in life.

However, scientists recommend that the baby sleeps on the mother’s breast only when she is awake, and the rest of the time he sleeps in a crib or cradle, so that the mother does not accidentally injure him during sleep.

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