garlic water

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink A Lot of Garlic Water?

Drinking garlic water in moderation has various health benefits, including increased immunity, improved heart health, and better digestion. However, consuming an excessive amount of garlic water can have both positive and harmful impacts on your health. While garlic is a powerful natural treatment, taking too much might cause adverse effects. Here’s what happens to your body after drinking a lot of garlic water.

Positive Effects of Drinking Garlic Water:

Enhanced Immune System:

Garlic is high in antioxidants and chemicals such as allicin, which boost the immune system and defend against illness. Drinking a lot of garlic water will improve your immune system, allowing you to fight off colds, flu, and other infections more effectively.

Effect: Increased resistance to infections and speedier recovery from diseases.

Lower Blood Pressure:

Garlic contains natural blood pressure reducing effects. Drinking excessive amounts of garlic water can induce a considerable drop in blood pressure, which is useful for persons with hypertension but potentially dangerous for those with already low blood pressure.

Lowering blood pressure may help avoid heart disease, but it can also cause dizziness or fainting in those with normal or low blood pressure.

Improved heart health:

Garlic lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and improves circulation, which is good for heart health. Drinking a lot of garlic water may increase the cardiovascular advantages, but it might also promote blood thinning.

Effect: Lowers cholesterol and improves circulation, however excessive use may raise the risk of bleeding.

Improved digestion:

Garlic increases the production of digestive enzymes, which improves gut health. Drinking garlic water in big quantities can assist digestion, but it may also cause stomach pain in some people.

Effect: Improved digestion, although excessive use may result in increased gas, bloating, or stomach cramps.


Garlic is recognised for detoxifying the body by improving liver function. Drinking garlic water helps speed up detoxification by clearing away toxins. However, consuming too much garlic water might put a burden on the liver and kidneys.

Effect: Increased detoxification, but possible pressure on the liver and kidneys.

Negative Effects of Drinking Too Much Garlic Water:

Digestive Issues:

While garlic helps digestion in moderation, drinking a lot of garlic water might irritate the stomach and cause gastrointestinal problems like gas, bloating, and diarrhoea. Garlic’s sulphur components can generate a strong odour in sweat and breath.

The effects include digestive pain such as gas, bloating, or diarrhoea, as well as poor breath or body odour.

Risk of bleeding:

Garlic acts as a natural blood thinner, helping to avoid blood clots. However, drinking too much garlic water can increase the risk of severe bleeding, particularly for persons who are taking blood thinners or have bleeding problems.

Effect: Increased risk of bleeding and bruising, especially for people using anticoagulants.

Drop in Blood Pressure:

While garlic is good at lowering blood pressure, excessive consumption can produce dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting. This is potentially harmful for persons with normal or low blood pressure.

Effect: Hypotension (low blood pressure), which might result in dizziness or fainting.

Allergic Reactions:

Some people are allergic to garlic, and drinking too much garlic water may result in adverse symptoms such skin rashes, itching, and difficulty breathing. If you feel you are allergic to garlic, avoid eating huge amounts.

Potential allergic reactions include rashes, swelling, and breathing difficulties.

Liver and Kidney Strains:

Although garlic is purifying, excessive use can place a burden on the liver and kidneys, especially in persons who already have liver or renal issues. Large amounts of garlic water may overwhelm the body’s detoxifying system.

Effect: Increased strain on the liver and kidneys, which may cause discomfort or consequences.

Interference with Medication:

Garlic may interfere with certain drugs, particularly blood thinners such as warfarin or aspirin. Drinking too much garlic water might intensify the effects of these drugs, resulting in potentially hazardous side effects such as uncontrollable bleeding.

Interference with drugs, particularly anticoagulants, might result in serious side effects.

Recommended dosage:

For the majority of people, drinking garlic water in moderation—about 1-2 cloves of garlic steeped in water each day—is safe and beneficial. If you’re thinking about increasing your intake, talk to your doctor first, especially if you’re taking drugs or have any underlying health issues.

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