heart attack

80% of Heart Attacks Could Be Avoided by Doing These 5 Easy Things

Several factors contribute to a person’s chance of having a heart attack. This category includes lifestyle choices and family history.

A significant study conducted in Sweden and published in the American College of Cardiology journal in 2014 discovered that five particular lifestyle factors, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and quitting smoking, can reduce one’s risk of heart attacks by 80 percent.

The researchers at the Stockholm Karolinska Institute wanted to know what percentage of specific healthy habits, either individually or in groups, helped these patients reduce their risk of a heart attack.

How Was the Study Conducted?

In 1997, the study comprised men aged 45 to 79. They were all questioned about their daily activities, including their nutrition and weight, family history of cardiovascular disease, and education.

Over the course of 11 years, 20,721 men with no history of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer were carefully studied.

The researchers discovered that five lifestyle practices led to the prevention of heart attacks. Men who followed all five habits had the lowest risk, a reduction of 80%. 

5 Easy Ways to Drop Down Your Heart Risk by 80 Percent?

According to the study, the following five habits helped individuals minimise their risk of heart attack:

  • Quitting smoking lowers risk by 36 percent.

Smoking is a dangerous habit that should be avoided.

In this study, males who had never smoked or had quit at least two decades before the trial began had a 36% lower risk of having a heart attack.

  • Following a healthy diet reduces the risk by 20%.

A healthy, primarily plant-based diet may lower your risk of heart attacks, cancer, and diabetes.

Even if participants ate things that were not recommended, such as red and processed meat, they still had a 20% decreased risk.

  • Reducing abdominal fat lowers the risk by 12 percent.

Getting rid of belly fat, particularly visceral fat, is critical for improved health.

In the study, men with a waist circumference of less than 38 inches had a 12% lower risk of heart attack than men with a larger waistline.

  • 11 percent decreased risk by drinking less frequently.

Moderate alcohol use reduced the individuals’ risk of heart attack by 11 percent. 

Consistent research indicates that moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The researchers are sceptical of the benefits of alcohol since, once the intake exceeds two drinks per day, the unfavourable consequences outweigh the benefits.

  • 3 percent reduction by regular physical activity

The males in the research who cycled 40 minutes per day and worked out at least 60 minutes per week had a 3% lower risk of a heart attack.

This percentage is modest when we consider the numerous benefits of exercise, not only for the heart but also for overall health.

Without a doubt, moving more is beneficial!

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