Papaya seeds

How to Banish Parasites with Papaya Seeds!

Papaya seeds are not only healthy, but also have strong anti-parasitic effects. They have been used in traditional medicine for generations to aid in the elimination of parasites from the digestive tract. Papaya seeds, which contain enzymes and chemicals such as papain and carpain, can naturally combat parasite diseases. Here’s how to utilise papaya seeds to get rid of parasites and boost your intestinal health.

Why Papaya Seeds Work

Papaya seeds contain the enzyme papain, which aids in protein breakdown and can dissolve the outer coats of parasites, making it easier for the body to eliminate them. Carpain, an alkaloid found in the seeds, is also harmful to certain parasites, particularly intestinal worms. This combination makes papaya seeds an effective natural cleanser for the digestive system.

How to use papaya seeds to eliminate parasites.

  1. Fresh Papaya Seed Remedy.

One of the most basic methods to use papaya seeds is to consume them raw. Here’s how you can accomplish it:


1 tablespoon of fresh papaya seeds

A small amount of honey (optional, for taste)


Scoop out the seeds from a ripe papaya.

Wash them thoroughly and crush or blend the seeds into a coarse paste.

Take 1 tablespoon of the fresh papaya seed paste. You can swallow them whole or chew them, but be warned, they have a strong, peppery taste.

If the taste is too strong, mix the seeds with a small amount of honey or blend them into a smoothie.

Take this remedy once a day for 7 days to see results.

  1. Papaya Seed and Honey Smoothie

A smoothie can help hide the strong flavour of papaya seeds while still providing antiparasitic properties.


1 tablespoon fresh papaya seeds

1 cup ripe papaya

1 tablespoon honey

1/2 cup coconut water or plain water


Blend the papaya seeds, ripe papaya, honey, and coconut water together until smooth.

Drink the smoothie first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Repeat this for 7 days to cleanse your system of parasites.

  1. Papaya Seed Powder.

If fresh papaya seeds are not available, dried papaya seed powder is an equally effective alternative.

How to Make It:

Dry the seeds in the sun or in a dehydrator until they are completely dry and brittle.

Grind the dried seeds into a fine powder using a blender or coffee grinder.

Store the powder in an airtight container.

How to Use It:

Take 1 teaspoon of papaya seed powder mixed with a glass of water, juice, or smoothie once daily.

Continue for 7 days to eliminate parasites effectively.

Other Benefits of Papaya Seeds

Papaya seeds help digestive health by aiding in protein digestion, which improves overall gut function.

Liver Detox: Papaya seeds have been demonstrated to protect the liver and may help with detoxification processes.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The seeds include anti-inflammatory substances that can benefit the gut and overall health.

Important Considerations:

Consult a Doctor: If you suspect a parasite illness, you should consult a healthcare expert before beginning any natural cure.

Not for Pregnant Women: Pregnant women should avoid eating papaya seeds because they might trigger contractions and endanger the foetus.

Use in Moderation: While papaya seeds are beneficial, taking large amounts might cause stomach problems, so stick to the advised levels.

Final Thoughts

Papaya seeds are a natural and effective therapy for parasite removal from the body. You can benefit from their potent anti-parasitic effects by including them into your daily routine, whether fresh, powdered, or in smoothies. Just remember to stick with the therapy for at least 7 days to get the greatest effects.

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