walnuts lemon and onion

Clear Your Lungs and Stop Your Cough with My Mother-in-Law’s Old Recipe: Walnuts, Lemon, and Onion!

This ancient recipe with walnuts, lemon, and onion is a natural and effective way to clear the lungs and end a chronic cough. This simple yet effective recipe, passed down through generations, soothes the throat, reduces mucus, and fights infection—just way your grandmother or mother-in-law used to do.

Why Walnuts, Lemon, and Onion Work


Walnuts include vital omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the respiratory system and make it easier to breathe.

Supports Immune Function: Walnuts include antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium, which aid to improve immune function and lung health.


Lemon is high in vitamin C, which enhances the immune system and helps fight respiratory infections. It also thins the mucus, making it simpler to remove from the lungs.

Lemon juice helps ease a sore throat and relieve the discomfort associated with continuous coughing.


Onions are a natural expectorant, which helps to break down mucus and phlegm, allowing the body to clear the airways.

Onions contain sulphur compounds, which function as natural antibiotics to combat infections and reduce inflammation in the respiratory system.


  • 5-6 whole walnuts (in their shells)
  • 1 medium onion (peeled and chopped)
  • 1 lemon (juiced)
  • 2 cups water
  • Honey (optional, for sweetness)


1. Crush the Walnuts:

Crush the walnuts inside their shells. The shells contain helpful substances that clear the lungs and relieve coughs.

2. Boil the onions and walnuts.

In a small pot, combine the chopped onion and crushed walnuts (with shells). Bring the pot to a boil with 2 cups water.

Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 15-20 minutes, allowing the onion and walnuts to impart their healthful characteristics to the water.

3. Strain the mixture.

After cooking, drain out the onion pieces and walnut shells. The residual liquid will serve as a natural cough syrup.

4. Add Lemon Juice:

Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the heated mixture. Lemon strengthens the immune system and gives a refreshing, relaxing flavour to the syrup.

5. Optional: Add Honey

If the flavour is too intense or bitter, add 1 tablespoon honey to sweeten. Honey also has antimicrobial and calming characteristics, which can help relieve a sore throat.

How To Use:

Take 1 tablespoon of the syrup 2-3 times per day to clear your lungs and relieve your cough. For the best results, take this medication after meals or before bedtime.

Health Benefits of the Walnuts, Lemon, and Onion Syrup:

  • Clears the Lungs: The natural expectorant properties of onion, combined with the anti-inflammatory effects of walnuts, help clear mucus from the lungs, allowing for easier breathing.
  • Stops Coughing: The soothing effects of lemon and honey (if used) help calm persistent coughs, while the onion works to clear the airways.
  • Boosts Immunity: The vitamin C in lemon and antioxidants in walnuts help strengthen your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off infections.
  • Reduces Inflammation: This natural remedy helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, making it ideal for those dealing with bronchitis, colds, or other lung irritations.

Additional Tips:

For maximum benefits, use this syrup on a regular basis for several days, especially if you have a chronic cough or lung congestion.

Pair with Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and flush out toxins.


If you are allergic to walnuts, avoid this medication or seek medical advice for an alternative.

Always consult your doctor if you have a pre-existing ailment, are taking medication, or if your cough lasts more than a few weeks.


This ancient walnut, lemon, and onion syrup is an effective natural medicine for clearing the lungs and relieving coughs. Simple but effective, this old family recipe combines the healing power of walnuts, the immune-boosting advantages of lemon, and the expectorant characteristics of onion to bring respiratory relief. Make this syrup a part of your natural health routine to keep your lungs clear and your coughs under control!

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