
Quiz: Pick a card to get advice from your angel!

Focus on these four cards. Let your intuition guide you and choose one of them without thinking too much. The card you choose brings you advice from your angel.

Number 1

“It’s important to spend time alone in nature. Even a five-minute walk in the park can be healing.” Your angel advises you to commune with nature more often because it can help you relax faster and put aside chaotic thoughts and emotions. If you’ve ever thought about getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city, now is the time. Besides, the angel wants only the best for you and guides you to what brings you the most peace, love and joy. He advises you to choose a profession that involves a close relationship with nature, for example: gardening, veterinary work and animal care.

Number 2

“You are free to express your true thoughts and feelings.” You may feel trapped by life’s circumstances right now. Is there anything you’d like to get away from? Your angel wants to help you realize that you are a prisoner of your own thoughts and that you can change this situation. Remember that whenever you choose to be free, you will be free. Everything you do in life is your choice. When you use sentences like, “I have to do this,” you make life difficult and seem like you don’t have much of a choice. Instead, whenever you encounter challenges, encourage yourself with the sentence, “I can do it.” This will give you more freedom and help you feel like you have more choices.

Number 3

“Your intentions create your experience. What are you going to do? Make sure your thoughts and feelings reflect your true intentions.” The angel is asking you to evaluate your expectations. What do you expect today, tomorrow or in the future? Are you worried about the future? Instead of focusing on the negative, set a clear goal and make a plan to achieve it. For example, imagine yourself and others in your life as happy and successful. An angel can help you get rid of negative mental thinking and give more space to positive thinking that will give you strength and lift your spirits.

Number 4

“Take care of your body. Eat healthy, exercise regularly and avoid various toxins.” It’s time to pay more attention to your body. Have you thought about making healthy changes lately? You have chosen this card which means you have the opportunity to make changes that will help your body. Do not forget that the body is like an instrument. When in tune, it creates greater harmony. Start today by choosing to eat healthy and exercise whenever you have time. The angel will help you choose healthy foods and encourage you to exercise if you find it difficult to find time for it. All you have to do is persevere to the end and never give up on your goals for a healthier lifestyle.

If you had fun with this quiz, you might want to try another one: Take This Quiz And Get Your Message From The Universe For Today!

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