Despite widespread opinion and advice from doctors that nose retrieval can cause nasal cavity and microbial hemorrhage, the Austrian pulmologist Friedrich Bichinger believes that children who touch their nose and eat its contents are healthier than other children.
The reason for this is the glycoprotein ingredient that the mucus contains, which helps build and strengthen the immune system.
This formidable habit can be useful, especially for children and their development, writes portal Kidspot.
In the mucous membrane of the nose and sinuses, about one liter of mucus is produced per day, which contributes to blocking the dust, bacteria and other impurities from the air we breathe.

The mucus has the capacity of sticky tape, which avoids profound infiltration of the microscopic organisms in the body and accordingly secures our breathing framework. On the off chance that this framework does not exist,all impurities would be deposited directly in our lungs.
“The nose is a channel in which various microorganisms accumulate, and when that mix achieves the digestive organs, it really goes about as a cure,” says Dr. Bischinger.
The educator includes that the mucus fluid is for the most part comprised of water, salts and proteins, and that it isn’t destructive to the kid’s stomach.
This substance from the nasal cavity contains a small amount of contaminants that act as antigens, and by its consumption it can improve the immune system, Kidspot reports.
Because of the above, scientists are thinking of creating a synthetic mucus, which would be added to the chewing gum or toothpaste and thus strengthen the immune system in children.
Experts also claim that the composition of the mucus helps fight respiratory inflammation, gastric ulcer and HIV.