This light treat gathers the essence of autumn in a bowl, is easy to prepare and is very tasty.
First prepare a paste of two grated apples, 200 grams of sugar, squeezed lemon juice and two teaspoons of cinnamon. Place in a pot together with sugar and lemon juice. Blend at a moderate temperature until the point that you get a paste. After removing it from the fire, place the cinnamon and mix.
For the second piece of the formula you require three packs of gelatin, three egg yolks(leave the whites aside for decoration), 250 milliliters of milk, 60 grams of powdered sugar and 200 milliliters of halta, well-sweated.

While gelatin grows in water, during that time, rub egg yolks with milk and sugar until you get a cream. Place it to boil, steam stirring.
Once the cream is cool, mix the gelatin in it.Give the cream a chance to cool. At that point, blend the chilled cream with a paste of apples. You can serve in dessert cups or dishes, according to your wishes. Decorate with cinnamon, pieces of fresh apples and snow scrubbed from the three squirrels and sugar.