While short-term stress is claimed to be, in fact, good and stimulating to the body, durable and seriously distressing circumstances unfavorably influence the body and make us more powerless to health issue.
Although they say that a small amount of stress is good for health, if it comes to increased and constant stress, it can affect the health of the digestive system, the nervous system, the respiratory system, the inability to conceive, the cardivascular and immune system.
You can ask for help in teas that will calm you down
Tea from Mint

Mint tea before bedtime soothes the body and helps you fall asleep. It reduces headache, as well as gastric stresses caused by stress. Mint is used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry, which speaks enough about its versatility.
Chamomile tea

On the off chance that you are frequently under pressure it’s a great opportunity to swing to the enchanting impact of chamomile. This herb has for quite some time been known as an unwinding, consoling means. The chamomile, actually, contains substances that influence indistinguishable parts of the mind from the medications for nervousness. The chamomile relaxes and calms the tissues and muscles, and the larger doses help with insomnia.
Tea from lavender
Lavender acts very calming and is very popular in aromatherapy, so it’s no wonder it’s been used since ancient times. In addition to relaxing muscles, it calms nervousness and anxiety, lavender tea acts favorably in the event of sleep problems. Lavender tea can be made as a natural remedy for soothing. One to two small teaspoons of dried lavender flowers are poured with boiling water and left to stand. Stir, sweeten with honey and consume two cups a day.
Tea from valerian
The dynamic substances in the herb demonstration soothingly and is a critical normal cure that will help mitigate pressure, melancholy, dread and uneasiness.Before using, be sure to inform yourself about the quantities.
Linden tea

Linden is known as a natural sedative, because it has a calming effect, it helps against nervousness, headache and insomnia. It is known that women in menopause drink linden tea, because it reduces nervousness and improves sleep. Before consuming linden tea, consult your doctor if you are pregnant.
St. John’s Wort tea
St. John’s wort is the most celebrated characteristic cure against depression. This herb has been utilized for a considerable length of time as a cure against melancholy, misery, nervousness, and nerve issues. It contains fundamental oils, and not at all like manufactured medications, it doesn’t make dependence, nor does it have unsafe symptoms.