
How many times did you happen to experience indescribable hunger in the evening, an hour, two before going to bed? And that’s the most when you watch a movie or are under stress, or you are in PMS!

OK, it’s totally justifiable, however despite everything you should be watchful. On the off chance that you eat something that is difficult to process, there will be nothing of a decent night’s fantasy! That’s why we bring you four foods that will not disturb your dream. In the list, you can also add the fifth salmon – salmon, if you have it at hand.


This protein-rich beehive is one of the most favorite foods in the oriental cuisine that has a pleasant taste and smell. The chickpea are rich in melatonin, a hormone that signals to the body that it is time for rest, so the pate of chickpea (humus) or refreshing salad, which is an easy and rich meal, is ideal for the late hours. This sound nourishment likewise brings down cholesterol, influences processing, and keeps bones.


Green magnesium-rich vegetable that is irreplaceable to the sensory system that can decide the course of your fantasy. Spinach likewise lessens torment amid the menstrual cycle since it is wealthy in iron.

Dairy products

Studies have demonstrated that calcium is straightforwardly identified with crafted by melatonin. That is, the dimension of calcium is most noteworthy when we are in deep sleep – REM. Therefore, in the evenings it is best to be honored with yogurt, cheese or milk.

Thai rice

Rice is viewed as the best and most advantageous nourishment among the cereals. There are a few kinds of rice, and among the best is viewed as rice with a long grain known as Thai rice. This is the most fragrant rice that gives you a full starch breakfast that decidedly influences your rest as it invigorates the sharpness of your body’s circulatory framework.

Find out more about: A Magnificent Potion – Chamomile Tea


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